There are many types of wildlife found in South Carolina and among them are coyotes. Coyotes have a storied reputation but how much of it is true? If you’ve noticed coyotes around recently, you might be wondering about safety issues. Let’s answer the question, are coyotes in my neighborhood dangerous?

Coyote Basics

Coyotes are opportunistic scavengers. This means they’ll eat dead animals, fallen fruit and other easy food sources. When easy food sources are not available, they will hunt small mammals. They’ll also take full advantage of uncovered or unprotected trash if they can. Coyotes are crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk. This doesn’t mean you’ll never see a coyote in the daytime or after dark, they are just most active during dusk and dawn.

Coyotes and People

Coyotes are shy by nature and tend to avoid humans, so they generally are not a threat to people. However, they are a threat to your pets. Because they will hunt and eat small mammals, they will hunt and attack outdoor cats and small dogs. It’s important to not let your cats go outside and to not leave your dogs unattended outside. Coyotes move quick and will carry off your pet faster than you can intervene. If you encounter a coyote that is not afraid of people or is showing signs of aggression toward people, it’s important to call a relocation service right away. Animals lose their fear of humans when they have been infected with rabies.

Coyote Prevention

There are things you can do to keep coyotes from being interested in your yard or property. Here are a few steps you can take to try to prevent coyotes:
1. Keep cats indoors at all times. Do not let cats roam outside.
2. Don’t leave dogs, especially small dogs, unattended outside.
3. Keep garbage tightly covered or tightly sealed in bins.
4. Pick up any droppings from fruit trees or blooming berries in your yard that could attract coyotes.
5. Do not leave pet food outside as it will attract coyotes and other wildlife.
6. Invest in a fence with a barbed wire apron to deter coyotes from entering your yard.

These measures cannot guarantee to prevent coyotes from coming close or into your yard, but it will help you to avoid attracting them. While coyotes can be dangerous to pets, they are rarely dangerous to people. They are a natural part of the ecosystem and are part of nature’s “clean-up crew” by scavenging dead animals and fallen fruits and other foods. Remember, if you encounter one that is aggressive or not afraid of people, it’s important to report it right away to Pee Dee Wildlife Control!