Fall is here and with it comes an increase in baby copperheads. These venomous snakes are small and often go unnoticed, making them a potential danger to you and your family. Understanding what to look for and how to make your home less attractive to copperheads can help you stay safe this season.
Identifying Baby Copperheads
Baby copperheads are small, ranging from 6 to 10 inches in length. They have distinctive markings, with a light brown or tan background and darker brown hourglass marks along their spine (or a Hershey Kiss pattern when viewed from the side). What makes them especially identifiable is their bright green or yellow tail tip, which fades as they turn one year old. Unlike adults, they can’t control their venom, which makes their bite potentially more dangerous.
A typical litter of baby copperheads ranges from five to eight but can be as many as 20. They are most active in the late afternoon and evening and are often found in areas with tall grass or piles of leaves or wood. These areas provide good cover for the snakes, so keeping your lawn trimmed and clearing away debris can help reduce the likelihood of encountering them.
Being Less Copperhead Friendly
Here are some tips for making your property less friendly to copperheads:
1. Keep grass cut short: Long grass provides excellent hiding spots for snakes, so keeping your lawn trimmed can help reduce the chances of encountering them.
2. Store wood piles away from the home: Piles of wood provide excellent cover for snakes, so keeping them far from your home can help reduce the chances of an encounter.
3. Clear away fallen branches and foliage right away: Snakes love to hide under fallen branches, piles of leaves and other debris, so make sure to clear them away as soon as possible. This can help reduce the chance of a surprise encounter.
4. Check under lawn furniture and inside outdoor kids’ toys before use to avoid a bite: Snakes are opportunistic creatures and could easily be hiding in unexpected places. Before using outdoor furniture or kids’ toys, it’s always a good idea to check for snakes to avoid an unintended bite.
Baby copperheads are small and often go unnoticed, making them a potential danger to people and pets. Knowing how to identify them and taking steps to make your property less friendly to them can help reduce the chances of a dangerous encounter. If you do discover a copperhead in your home or garage, it’s essential to call Pee Dee Wildlife Control for safe removal and relocation. Copperhead bites are a medical emergency and should not be taken lightly. Stay safe this season by being vigilant, and call Pee Dee Wildlife to handle any copperheads – babies or adults – so you and your family can avoid being bitten.