Fostering Harmony: Educating Communities About Wildlife Coexistence
Living alongside wildlife is a reality for many communities, especially in areas close to natural habitats. Educating local communities about wildlife coexistence is essential to promote understanding and…
Native vs. Invasive Species: The Challenges of Wildlife Control
Effective wildlife control is a nuanced task that requires a deep understanding of the animals involved, particularly when distinguishing between native and invasive species. In South Carolina, the…
Seasonal Wildlife Behavior and Control Measures
As the seasons change, so does the behavior of the wildlife around us. Understanding seasonal wildlife behavior is crucial for homeowners looking to protect their property and prevent…
What You Need to Know About Baby Squirrel Season
As the seasons change, so do the activities of wildlife around us, particularly during baby squirrel season. This is a crucial time for young squirrels, but it can…
Common Diseases Carried by Wild Animals in South Carolina
South Carolina’s diverse wildlife is a big part of what makes the region special, but it also comes with certain risks. One such risk is the variety of…
Wildlife-Proofing Your Home: Essential Steps for Prevention
In the Pee Dee area of South Carolina, our beautiful natural surroundings are home to diverse wildlife. While wildlife is a delightful sight in nature, it can become…
Understanding Wildlife Behavior: What Attracts Animals to Your Property
Living in the Pee Dee area of South Carolina means enjoying rich natural beauty and occasionally, some unwelcome wildlife visitors. At Pee Dee Wildlife Control, we believe that…
Is it a Wildlife Emergency? When to Call a Pro
Living in the Pee Dee area of South Carolina means sharing our environment with diverse wildlife. While wildlife can often coexist peacefully with humans, certain situations require professional…
Encounters of the Bear Kind: Your Guide to Bear Encounters
Encountering a bear in the wild can be both exciting and intimidating. Knowing how to react in different situations is crucial for your safety and the bear’s well-being.…
Snakes are Awake! Snakebite Prevention Tips
With the arrival of spring, warmer temperatures bring not only blooming flowers and chirping birds but also the reemergence of snakes from brumation. As snakes become more active,…
The Dangers of DIY Wildlife Removal
Dealing with wildlife sneaking into your home or yard can be a real headache. But before you grab your gloves and start chasing them away, it’s essential to…
Signs of a Bat Infestation You Need to Know
Bats, with their nocturnal flights and silent presence, can be fascinating creatures. However, when they decide to make your home theirs, it’s a different story. Spotting the signs…
Wildlife Spotlight: Coyotes
Coyotes are often misunderstood and feared, but they are fascinating creatures that play an important role in our ecosystem. They are highly adaptable animals, making them widespread across…
Squirrel! What You Need to Know to Prevent Squirrel Invasions
Squirrels are cute little animals that people usually love to watch from afar. However, when they start invading your home, they can cause a lot of damage and…
Wildlife Spotlight: Opossums
When you think of opossums, visions of dirty, pesky creatures rummaging through trash cans might come to mind. However, these creatures are much more intelligent and beneficial to…
It’s Baby Copperhead Season!
Fall is here and with it comes an increase in baby copperheads. These venomous snakes are small and often go unnoticed, making them a potential danger to you…
Celebration National Wildlife Day on September 4th
Wildlife is all around us, but we often take it for granted. National Wildlife Day on September 4th aims to celebrate the rich tapestry of animals and their…
Signs You Have a Dead Animal in Your Home
If you are a homeowner, it’s not uncommon to have visitors in your home from time to time. However, having unwanted visitors in your home can cause a…
Staying Safe During Summer Alligator Season
The warm summer months bring the perfect weather for swimming and spending time by the water. However, it’s important to keep in mind that alligators are more active…
Distemper in Wildlife and Protecting Your Dog
As a dog owner, you love your furry friend and would do anything to keep them healthy and happy. One of the biggest concerns for dog owners is…
Wildlife Spotlight: Bats of South Carolina
Bats, often misunderstood and feared creatures of the night, play a crucial role in our ecosystem. They are an integral part of South Carolina’s biodiversity and offer vital…
Tips for Snake Season Safety
Snakes have an essential role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems. While some might be wary of their presence and potential danger, snakes play a significant role…
Wildlife Spotlight: Copperheads
Copperhead snakes are the most common type of venomous snake encountered in South Carolina. Naturally, because they are more plentiful than any other snake, more people and pets…
Why Hire a Wildlife Removal Company?
When wildlife enters your home, it can be a worrying experience. Why Hire a Wildlife Removal Company? A wildlife removal company can help you with this problem by…
Winter Critters to Watch for in South Carolina
As the weather gets colder, animals begin to migrate into our homes in search of food and shelter from the harsh winter conditions. In South Carolina, there are…
Where do Snakes go in the Winter in SC?
Living in South Carolina, everyone knows to be cautious of snakes like copperheads, timber rattlesnakes and cottonmouths during the warm weather but what about the cold weather we…
Prevent a Wildlife Infestation this Winter
Wildlife are beginning to search for food, water and shelter for the upcoming winter months. Don’t let them move in with you! These critters don’t pay rent and…
Are Coyotes in my Neighborhood Dangerous?
There are many types of wildlife found in South Carolina and among them are coyotes. Coyotes have a storied reputation but how much of it is true? If…
Top 8 Ways to Help Save the Bees
Bees have been declared the most important living beings on the planet. Why? Because they help pollinate food crops and other plants and trees that we depend on…
20 Cool Facts About Raccoons
Raccoons are fascinating animals. While many feel they are a nuisance due to their habit of breaking into trash cans (which has earned them the nickname of “trash…
Alligator Safety Tips
Alligator safety is important for anyone living in alligator country like South Carolina. The Pee Dee is prime alligator territory so it’s essential to understand how to avoid…
Watch for Turtles in the Road (and How to Help Them Across)
Now that the warm weather has returned, turtles are on the move for mating season and nesting. If you’re out driving, watch for turtles in the road and…
Fascinating Facts About Foxes
Did you know that foxes are related to dogs, wolves, and jackals? They’re part of the Canidae family, which contains around 36 different species. Foxes come in a…
6 Facts About Beavers
April 7th is International Beaver Day. Beavers are fascinating animals that build dams and lodges across rivers and streams. They have large, flat tails that they smack against…
Wildlife and Rabies: What You Need to Know
Rabies is a deadly virus that affects the central nervous system. It is most commonly spread through the bite of an infected animal but can also be contracted…
When Squirrels Invade
Squirrels can be very dangerous when they invade your home. When squirrels Invade they will chew on anything and everything in order to get food and build a…
What You Need to Know About Moles
Moles spend their lives underground digging extensive tunnel systems and hunting for worms and grubs. Moles are viewed by many as a nuisance animal since their digging tends…
Hibernation, Brumation and Torpor: When Animals Sleep
During the colder months and when food is scarce, many animals react by slowing down their metabolism and entering some form of energy conserving state. By slowing down…
How do Alligators Survive the Winter in South Carolina?
Alligators are cold-blooded animals, which means they have to rely on their environment to help regulate their temperature. South Carolina winters might not feature snow and ice but…
Visit Wildlife Refuges in South Carolina
Love wildlife? Did you know there are eight national wildlife refuges in South Carolina that are managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? Wildlife refuges are great,…
It’s Baby Copperhead Season
It’s baby copperhead season now through the end of September. Copperheads are one of the most common types of venomous snakes in North America. You’re also more likely…
Bats in the Attic!
When bats invade, they usually infest your attic because there is little to no activity from humans or pets there. How do you tell if you have bats…
Support Opossums and Combat Ticks
Opossums are plentiful in the South. While many view them as a nuisance or even dangerous like raccoons, the truth is they are helpful creatures and good to…
Preventing Snake Bites This Summer
Awareness and caution are the keys to preventing snake bites this summer. When hiking or just enjoying the outdoors, keep an eye out for snakes. Keep in mind…
Alligator Safety Tips
It’s important to remember that we are intruders on the alligators’ natural habitat. These animals have been around since the dinosaurs–literally millions of years. There are about 5…
Avoiding Collisions with Wildlife on the Roads
In a given year, there are over 360,000 crashes involving animals on the roadways. This accounts for 12,000 human injuries per year and approximately 200 human fatalities. Wildlife…
Endangered Animals of South Carolina
There are a number of endangered or threatened animals or plant species in South Carolina. While we can’t cover all of them in one blog, you can check…
How Do Honey Bees Survive the Winter?
Insects have a variety of ways of surviving cold weather. Some might move indoors into a home or building, some hibernate and others migrate (Monarch butterflies). Honey bees…
Wildlife Spotlight: Black Bears
The bear found in South Carolina is known as the black bear (Ursus americanus). It has black or dark brown fur covering its body and a lighter tan…
Eek! A Mouse! Facts About Rodents and Protecting Against Infestation
According to the National Pest Management Association, rodents infest approximately 21 million homes in the U.S. every winter. They cause numerous problems from food contamination to illness to…
Dangers of Raccoons in and Around Your Home
While raccoons definitely have that cute factor, they should never be viewed or treated like pets. First, they can bite and scratch, causing serious injury just like any…
Signs and Dangers of a Bat Infestation in Your Home
Bats might be cute but you don’t want them taking up residence in your attic or home. A bat infestation can destroy your home’s structures and can also…
Be a Honey Bee Helper!
Bee populations have been significantly declining in recent years due to pesticide use and colony collapse disorder. Bees are vital to our ecosystem and important for the pollination…
Venomous Snakes of the Carolina’s: Rattlers and Coral Snakes
Of the 38 species of snakes in South Carolina, only six are venomous. Last time, we covered two of our most famous venomous snakes, the Copperhead and the…
Venomous Snakes of the Carolina’s: Cottonmouths and Copperheads
It’s summer and that means critters of all kinds are out and about, including snakes. Of the 38 species of snakes in South Carolina, only six are venomous:…
The Helpful Opossum
There has been a recent spike in our state of attacks against opossums so we wanted to take the opportunity to share a little more about this very…
Wildlife Looking for Shelter in Your Home This Winter
It’s winter here in South Carolina and that means there are plenty of critters who would love to have a nice warm place to shelter for the winter.…
Keeping Your Pets Safe From Wildlife
The winter months are upon us and food is becoming scarce for a number of wild animals. It’s important to understand these safety tips to keep your pet…
Beaver Control in South Carolina
Most conflicts between humans and beavers occur due to flooding caused by their dams or by damage caused by felled trees. Beavers gnaw down trees and use them…
Bear Encounters on the Rise: Bear Safety Tips
Bear encounters have been on the rise and it’s important to know what to do when you encounter a bear, whether while out exploring nature or exploring your…
DIY Rodent Control Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make
Fall is when rodents are most likely to come in looking for a warm place to spend the winter. Many people, when they notice signs of a potential…
When Squirrels Invade
When squirrels invade, they usually choose your attic, crawlspace or chimney as the site of their invasion. They can gnaw through any weak spot in the roof, wiggle…
Identify that Hive!
So, you’ve found a hive. What type of hive is it? That is a very important question because it helps you determine whether to call a local bee…
Snake Bites on the Rise: Protecting Your Family and Pets From Venomous Snakes
Our wet and warm winter set the stage for more greenery, more rodents and rabbits… and more snakes. Snake bites have been on the rise this season for…
Moles, Voles and Shrews! Oh My!
You find trails or tunnels in your yard or garden, it’s tough to know what type of critter conundrum you have. There are three main critters that could…
Are There Panthers in South Carolina?
February 12, 2019, the story of a man who claimed to have been attacked by a black panther in Georgetown county spread quickly across news outlets and social…
Alligator Safety Tips
Put, South Carolina is alligator country. Alligators could be lurking in any body of water. They’ve been known to take a dip in a residential neighborhood pool or…
Top 3 Signs You Might Have a Dead Animal in Your Home
As the weather turns colder, animals of all kinds look for ways to keep warm. Should an animal (or a few) find their way into your home, you…
The Benefits of Raw, Local Honey
Know that raw local honey can provide a number of benefits for your health? Before we dig into all the ways raw local honey can boost your health,…
The Difference Between Coyotes & Wolves
Is a natural habitat for a number of wild critters, including both coyotes and wolves. While you wouldn’t want to encounter either one unexpectedly, it’s helpful to recognize…
Bobcats in South Carolina: What You Need To Know
Carolina, the bobcat (also called wildcat) is one of the more secretive and shy critters that live in our area. Bobcats are most active at night and are…
National Wildlife Day is September 4th!
National Wildlife Day was founded in 2005 in honor of the memory of wildlife conservationist and activist, Steve Irwin. The goal of National Wildlife Day is to bring…
What To Do If You Encounter A Black Bear
The black bear is one of the many animals that make up our local wildlife population. They can range in size from as small as 100 lbs. for…
Quick Guide To Venomous & Non-Venomous Snakes
It’s summertime and all of our snake friends are now awake for the season and on the go. While this quick guide of characteristics can help you differentiate…
Critter Crossing: Watch for Animals on the Road
The heat is on and our local wildlife is on the move. Many animals viewed as pests are often discovered as roadkill this time of year. As our…
Bee A Honeybee Helper
You may have heard about the alarming decline of honey bee populations throughout the United States, but also around the world. Honey bees serve a very important function…
Raccoons Do Not Make Good Roommates
Raccoons may look cute but if they get inside your home to hunker down and get cozy for the winter, it can be a serious problem. Not only…
The Spring Snake Wake Up
As the weather begins to warm up and springtime begins in South Carolina, our local snake population will be waking up from hibernation. While snake sightings are most…
Opossums: The Misunderstood Marsupial
A critter that is very common in our area is the opossum (often also called possum, without the “o”). The opossum is the only marsupial in North America.…
Bats in the Attic? Why it’s a Serious Problem
Bats have an interesting reputation. On one hand, they are helpful creatures who eat pesky dusk and nighttime insects. On the other hand, if they decide to move…
Animals Seeking Shelter in Your Home in the Fall and Winter
Fall and winter in the Carolina’s can get chilly for people and local wildlife, including squirrels, bats, raccoons and opossums. During the colder months, animals are just like…