Bees have been declared the most important living beings on the planet. Why? Because they help pollinate food crops and other plants and trees that we depend on for food, oxygen and life. Bees have been declining at a significant rate due to colony collapse disorder and the use of pesticides called neonicotinoids. Bees also produce honey, which has many health and medicinal properties. So how can you help save the bees? Here are the top 8 ways:

1. Plant a bee garden –

Plant bee-friendly flowers and plants that provide bees with the nectar and pollen they need to create honey and sustain their food source.

2. Plant blooming trees –

Planting trees that bloom are a great way to help save the bees. The blossoms provide valuable nectar for bees on a larger scale than a bee garden can.

3. Create a bee bath –

Start with a shallow bird bath and fill with water. Then add stones and rocks so that some of the rocks break the surface of the water to give bees a place to land while they have a drink. Be sure to clean it regularly and provide fresh water as stagnant water breeds mosquitoes.

4. Give bees a home –

If you’re so inclined, you can become a beekeeper and house a few hives on your property. You can also participate in The Bee Conservancy’s Sponsor-a-Hive program if you’d rather not have bee boxes in your yard.

5. Support local beekeepers and organizations –

Buy local honey and beeswax products from your local beekeepers. You can also consider monetary donations to your local beekeeping organizations.

6. Bee and good bee citizen –

Avoid synthetic pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides. Many include neonicotinoids that harm bees’ delicate systems and can cause colony collapse disorder and mass bee die-offs.

7. Teach your kids to be good eco-citizens –

Teach kids about the importance of local ecosystems and the role bees play in your local ecosystems. The more they know, the more they can help protect the bees in their everyday lives.

8. Report swarms to local beekeepers –

When you see a large collection of bees on a tree or the side of a house, this is a swarm. Bees swarm to find a new place to live when their hive gets too big. They aren’t harmful so don’t hurt them. Call a local beekeeper to come collect them and relocate them safely.

You can help #BeeTheSolution in the fight to protect the bees. These top 8 ways to help save the bees will help you bee a hero for your local bee population.